January 11, 2025  
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33 Astronomicheskaya str.,
Tashkent, 100052, Uzbekistan
Phone : +998 71 2358102
Fax: +998 71 2344867
E-mail: info@astrin.uz
Currently in Uzbekistan, where astronomical observations have a centuries-old tradition, there are several observatories. These are the world-famous high-mountain Maidanak Astronomical Observatory, the Kitab international latitude station, the Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute of UzAS in Tashkent, the RT-70 radio astronomy observatory on the Sufa plateau (under construction), as well as five new scientific and educational observatories put into operation recently.

 Recently the training of scientific personnel for astronomy is carried out on a systematical basis, as part of the implementation of the tasks set by President Islam Karimov for the integration of science and education and the implementation of the National Program for Training Personnel.

 The subject "Astronomy" is included in the curricula of all schools and secondary specialized and professional educational institutions of the country. Because astronomy is one of the main disciplines that form the scientific worldview of the younger generation, the desire for knowledge of the surrounding world, the Universe. Targeted, in-depth education by astronomy is carried out in nine universities of the country. It is based on state educational standards developed taking into account domestic and international experience and the vast scientific and spiritual heritage of our people.

At the same time, the provision of special educational equipment to universities involved in the training of personnel in the field of astronomy did not always meet modern requirements. The Decree of President Islam Karimov dated May 20, 2011 "On measures to strengthen the material and technical base of higher educational institutions and radically improve the quality of training of highly qualified specialists" opened up wide opportunities for further improvement of the educational process, even wider involvement of teachers and students in research activities universities.

In the course of its implementation, the Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, together with a several universities in country, is carrying out purposeful work to create astronomical scientific and educational centers, where students can conduct practical classes also participate in serious scientific research. The first astronomical educational observatory in Central Asia was established at Samarkand State University. Then five astronomical educational observatories were put into operation - at Andijan State University, at the National University of Uzbekistan, at the Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after. Nizami, at Karshi State University and at Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz.

© Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute, 2025